
What is Underwriting ?
Underwriting with WHSN is the sponsorship of our student-run radio station through contributions (financial or otherwise) with the understanding that you will be acknowledged through a promotional announcement describing your establishment. An underwriting announcement is a non-superlative message including the name of your business, its phone number and location, and a brief description of the goods and services you offer.
Why Underwrite on WHSN ?
Supporting WHSN is a cost-effective way of presenting your business to the people of the Bangor area, as well as an opportunity to support the cultural education of our community. Operating seven days a week, WHSN covers an area that reaches over 10,000 people around the area. WHSN can be heard through a 30 mile radius in and around the city of Bangor. Underwriting with WHSN, a non-profit organization, is also tax deductible.
When Should I Sponsor ?
WHSN will bring attention to your business during the hours and shows of your choice. Our programming offers our listeners Alternative Rock 24 hours a day as well as Husson University Football, Basketball and Baseball games. We will happily assist you in choosing times to sponsor that will attract your target audience.
What can I Sponsor?
Your business can sponsor numerous format events during our daily radio broadcast including (but not limited to)
An hour of music
News Sports & Weather at the top of every hour
Weather updates at :20 and :40 past
Husson Baseball, Basketball or Football games
OR, combine elements to sponsor
For more information on underwriting on WHSN, please contact Station Manager Mark Nason by emailing whsn@husson.edu or calling the station office at 207-973-1011
Regulations and Policies
Due to FCC regulation of non-commercial airwaves, there are several rules we must abide by in the underwriting announcement. The following is a brief description of what can and cannot be included:
• We cannot use qualitative statements such as “Pete’s has the best burgers in town.”
• We cannot mention anything that has to do with money, such as free items, discounts, sales, or comparative items.
• We cannot issue a call to action, using phrases such as “Come on down to Pete’s.”
• We cannot refer to other businesses in describing the location.
• We cannot use recognizable corporate jingle music during the spot.
While these regulations must be kept in mind, you can include:
• Any tagline that is included on a company letterhead and or serves as a distinguishing byline. E.g. “Pete’s – Home of the Big Burger!”
• Three factual statements relating to your establishment.
The bottom line is that underwriting scripts must be in good taste, non-commercial, low key, and appropriate to the radio broadcast environment. WHSN must follow the following FCC guidelines in determining permissible descriptions:
• Value-neutral descriptions of products or lines of service.
• Brand and trade names, as well as product service listings.
• Logograms or slogans which identify and do not promote.
• Location information.
To learn more, contact WHSN