Bangor's Alternative

The Revivalists Give Old Footage New Life As Video For “Zombie (Wild Coming Out)”

The Revivalists’ new single, Zombie (Wild Coming Out), might seem like it’s about the undead but in actuality its based on those little devices we all carry. “It’s a fun song that’s mechanism for change is hidden in its chorus,” says The Revivalists vocalist/guitarist David Shaw. “We’re all so attached to our phones, it’s becoming a massive issue. The only time we’re away from them is when we sleep. That’s when the wild comes out, in our dreams and imagination.”

But there’s a second story to the “new” music video. The footage used in Zombie (Wild Coming Out) actually came from a much earlier video…a shelved video for the Revivalists’ hit All My Friends. The band explains on YouTube: A little backstory on how this came to be… Long, long ago in a very different world …we made a music video for our song “All My Friends” but something didn’t feel quite right about it, we all had that feeling and when that happens we know something’s up, so we shelved it. Fast-forward to a number of years later, David writes a tune called Zombie and we start playing it live. You guys start asking about said song and when it’s gonna be out…And we’re like…uhhhhh we don’t know!! But it’s definitely coming out :))) Fast-forward again to Zack having the brilliant idea to use the old footage from the “All My Friends” shoot for Zombie and voila 🪄…it was meant to be.

This new single will be included in the upcoming expanded Deluxe Edition of The Revivalists’ 2023 album Pour It Out Into The Night, due later this year.