Get To Know The Punk Trio Random Ideas

When some people hear about a band made up of triple sisters they might write it off as a gimmick but trust us; don’t make that mistake with Random Ideas. The trio of Johnsons (Kinsey on guitar, Lexi on bass, & Meagan on drums) recently hit the studio at the New England School of Communications (NESCom) at Husson University to re-record their debut album We Met In The Womb, adding some new songs in the process. The results, under the same title is our now both in physical CD form and on Bandcamp.
“We are a triplet girl punk rock band” says the band. “Our music is for everyone. We want to make the world a better place with our music”
The recording process this time around was very different as it was done in the newly redesigned and rebuilt audio engineering studios at NESCom at Husson University. “It was super awesome to record at NESCom with Josh (Small, Coordinator for the Audio Engineering program at NESCom) and Angela (Daigle, Audio Engineering student)! It was an awesome experience to work with two people who care about music and the outcome of the CD we were recording. You know that the people your working with care when you stay in the studio till 3:30 in the morning to get it done. “
The band isn’t new by a long shot, but with the new album and more and more live shows the have plenty more fans. When asked about the immediate the future the band says “this summer we are planning on playing as much as we can! We usually play the Pride Festival in Portland and we also have a gig at the Augusta Civic Center for the Maine civil rights conference. We can’t wait to see what the future holds!
For more on Random Ideas:
Random Ideas on Bandcamp
Random Ideas on Facebook